The majority of the world is beyond our control.
We have limited control over much of the external forces that effect us, yet we try as hard as we can to exert control over these things. This can lead to a lot of frustration, anger, rage, despair, and hopelessness. If you don't have a frame of reference here, trust me - I know what I'm talking about. As we keep worrying about all of the external things outside of our control, we often neglect those things that are within our control, and the majority of the time, it is those things that will have the greatest effect on our lives. We do have control over our physical, mental, and spiritual self improvement. Why, then, do we let this slip from our grasp? Why do we neglect this - trading our chance for greatness for amusement and passing comfort? This one thing we absolutely control. We can wield the power to create and recreate ourselves in accordance to who we want or need (or are needed) to be. This has always been what amazed me about training. It's like math. All you have to do is show up, and be willing to put in the work. People act like they have to be motivated to train, or they're waiting for the right time - for the right pieces to fall into place. What they don't realize is that it's in the moments where you aren't motivated, where you have to squeeze in a session - doing only what's necessary - when you have to truly fight and struggle to get your training in - that the greatest progress is made - the spirit and mind are toughened. The body will follow. In this regard - training, growing, learning becomes something sacred - a sacrament to ourselves and to those close to us - be it family, friends, co-workers, or team mates. By making ourselves stronger, tougher, more resilient to the challenges that will come, we become able to pull ourselves through the struggle - becoming something, someone greater than we were - becoming something heroic in an age of mediocrity and settling for good enough. We become an example to ourselves, and, therefore, through our actions, mindset, and attitude, stand as an example to lead others who may be looking to us - because you never know who is watching. Perhaps the greatest thing you can do today is commit 100% to the process of transforming yourself from a hobbyist to one of the dedicated few. Someone who is willing to sacrifice and do what is needed to break the mold of mediocrity. Someone who is willing to push back against a life that's designed to make you soft and compliant, waiting for the inevitable downward spiral. Someone who is willing to call themselves out on their own B.S., because you can do so much better, and so much is riding on your choice. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for those close to you. Forge something great. BE someone great I'm pulling for you. - Eric
Every so often I get a night that has a low class turnout due to what we'll call life circumstances. Sometimes these circumstances are legit - stuck at work, family or work emergency, sick, etc.
Other times, the reasons are, we'll say, less than legit. Last night was one of those weird nights. Three people in each class. A few who missed were legit - they let me know ahead of time. I'm not sure about the rest, and it's not my place to make a judgement. Here's what I do know. One woman who made it to the 6:30pm is an accountant in the middle of tax season. Some days she literally works with no sleep. In the past, I've not seen her for at least a month during tax time. This year she's made it a point to get in twice per week. Tired, dragging herself along, she came to class and did well - even dialing in technique on a few lifts. That's called progress, folks - in spite of her schedule and how she was feeling. One of the guys in the 7:30pm came to train instead of hanging with his girl on Valentine's Day. He's making it up to her on Thursday - it's the only available day because he plans to train on Friday. Oh, yeah - he drives 45 minutes to get to the gym. He loves the training, and knows he's making progress. He gets mad when life keeps him from it. Here's the point I'm making - Success doesn't take a day off. You're either moving toward getting better, or sliding back - getting worse. There is no maintenance, no in between. Sure, not every day can or should be a training day, but you have to keep your focus on where you want to be, and your actions should keep you moving in that direction. Commitment and Consistency are key action words here. They need to be applied regularly. My hope is that when people miss training with me, they're making it up somewhere else. There's one woman I train who has some pretty big responsibilities both at home and at work. When she misses class, she trains on her own using a program I gave her. It's nothing intricate, just some basics that will keep her moving forward - and she makes progress. You've got to find a way - no matter what. It's the only way you'll get where you want. Do not miss a training session. Make it up, switch the day or time around, do the bare minimum to keep moving forward, if need be, but don't miss it. Partial effort gives partial result. That's why so many people have marginal success. They put in marginal effort. No one has ever dreamed of being mediocre, and yet, so many people would rather be entertained than spend a small portion of their day making themselves into something inspirational. The choice is yours - take control of your outcome, develop the work ethic, and commit to self improvement. I'm pulling for you. - Eric The above is an action phrase I use to keep my head in the right place. I owe it to Tony Blauer,
whose company Blauer Tactical Systems uses the phrase "Choose Safety" as a quick, easy to remember reminder to the trainee to always do the thing that keeps them safe. This is my take on it. When in doubt - always do the thing that makes you stronger. Choose Strength. Simple to remember, and strong enough in their call to action - these two words have helped me in my training, in my thinking, and in my life. When I've been tired in a training session, and I want to skip an exercise I know I get benefit from that phrase comes to mind - Choose Strength. What it means to me is strong enough to change my thoughts and attitude. The phrase is a reminder that the power and responsibility are mine, and that my outcome in training is based on the decisions I make. I can choose to go to bed by a certain time every night, so I'm rested enough to perform well and recover well. I can choose to eat foods that will support my training and my health. I can choose to do the work that is necessary to elicit the result I desire. If I simply decide to Choose Strength, in less than a second I can cut through the nonsense of how I feel about doing something and start moving in a positive direction. The doubt, discouragement, fear, distraction, etc are gone. It becomes a simple equation of action equals result. The cool thing is, choosing strength starts to flow over into the other areas of your life. When in doubt - Choose Strength, and move forward. If you need help, hit me up. If you need training - I have several options. We can find one that fits. I'm here to help. We spend a lot of time focused on the past - what we didn't do, what we should've done, etc.
Maybe we didn't make the best decisions. Maybe we didn't do the right things back then to position us for where we want to be right now. Maybe we feel like we wasted a lot of our time - a lot of our life. I know this thought process and these feelings intimately. The problem isn't thinking or feeling this way - that's natural. The problem is acting like it's a life sentence - like you've ruined your life, and it's over. Every thing you do is a choice. Everything. Maybe you don't like your job, but you keep going anyway. That's a choice you're making. I know, you've got bills to pay. So make another choice - figure out how to pay your bills by doing something you like better. I don't want to be another guy telling you to quit your job to find happiness. That's not my point. My point is that each day is a series of choices for you. If you don't like where you are, who you are, or what you are doing, and you do nothing to alter the situation, YOU ARE CHOOSING TO STAY THE SAME. If you are unhappy - if you feel you have wasted time, wasted life, wasted resources, gotten yourself into a bad spot - then do something to change it. Use those feelings, that regret, that desire for something better to fuel you and drive you forward. Do one thing today to change a habit you don't like, or create a new one you want to have. I've made it a point to write on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Most of the time, I'm writing late at night to make that deadline. Last night, I was unable to write, and I failed to have myself setup beforehand. I dropped the ball. Do I give up? Do I start letting myself slide because it's hard to always keep a deadline? No. Here I am writing. Instead of having had this to read this morning, you'll have it to read tonight, and I'll have further reinforced my habit of writing regularly, while having a lesson in being prepared for circumstances where I'm not able to write the night before. The good thing about mistakes is they show you what not to do, but they're only helpful if you learn the lesson. The same can be said about thoughts and behavior. If circumstances show you who you really are, and that turns out to be someone you don't like, then choose to be different, and take action. You're only truly stuck if you allow yourself to be. There is always a way, you just have to want it enough. If you find yourself lamenting, whining, and crying instead of doing, then maybe it's time to ask yourself what you really want. Here's the thing, though - It's not too late to start working on where you want to be. If you need help, hit me up. I'm here for you. - Eric |
AuthorEric Chasko is the head of Redemption. He is a Performance Enhancement Specialist, Certified Underground Strength Coach, Progressive Fighting Systems Full Instructor, and Blauer Tactical Systems SPEAR: Personal Defense Readiness Trainer. From young athletes to busy professionals, he helps people develop the physical, mental, and emotional strength to win on the field, on the street, and in life. Archives
June 2021